Many of us are now accustom to online banking whether it be on our phones, tablets or computers. Less and less people are having to venture in to their bank to make payments to companies or other people as it can all be done online. Banks take online banking very seriously and put a lot of time, resources and money in to constantly monitoring and improving security. As hackers get more and more advanced, security for online banking websites and apps also need to improve.
No matter how sophisticated the banks security is there is always an element of risk involved with any online transactions but as a consumer there are a number of things you can do to try and ensure that you do not fall victim to a security breach. Firstly always make sure that the device you use for your banking in free of viruses and has an active anti virus running. You should also try to avoid doing any banking when not on a secure network or connection and this could leave you open to having personal details stolen. It is advisable to change your banking password often and never reveal it to anyone. If you receive an email or call asking you to confirm sensitive details then it is best to check out that it is genuine before replying.